Monday 2 September 2013

Max is coming in october

Hello again  ready to hear another story so Max is coming on October so I got a little wait  for him.
so its nearly the end of summer tomorrow its the last day of summer I' m trying to get a picture of Max . On my other blog and on this one as well so no pictures of Max yet so I'm whirring about it.
So yeah  so Max is aged twenty days old today yep he's cute really cute my Mom set this secret .Nearly since my old dog died named jasper which is 8 months ago when I asked for a new dog. I brought a little toy of jasper into school because I was so sad I'm still a bit sad I play Minecraft.
 On my pc in my bedroom Max is a small dog but he's nice I like him  but I uploaded a picture of his.Mum  and his sisters I didn't  work so give me a comment  about it  please comment I don't have .  Any comments                                                                                             


It all began on Friday I went on a bike ride with my friend Ed and after I went to a pub called the Exhibition and then we had a couple of races there with.
My friend Dylan he is very, very quick after we had pizza I had just margarita and Ed had a pizza with my sister it was peperoni and Ed's two sisters had fish and chips and my other sister Isla had fish and chips too and then we were going to go when I asked mom were are we going to go tomorrow she said you'll see the next day it was just me and my sister Mia and my mom and dad yep that's right I have another weird sister back to the story.
My mom said we're going to get a dog all was silent until Mia shouted yes we're getting a dog nearly the whole entire way there until we got there.
We looked at the house it said cats my mom is allergic to cats, then we looked at the neighbour's house and said that's the place.
Then we went inside it was the correct house the man named Ken said come in we sat down on the couches #if you get bored Max comes in shortly.
Ken showed us the pedigree of the dad dog named Spike then Ken said lets go meet Max #Ken didn't say Max he said the dog for you.
So we went outside to the kennel of Max and then we walked through the door of the kennel the first .Dog we saw was the mother named Doc then she came out of the kennel doors and said hello.  
We walked into a bit of their part of the kennel we saw two other puppies as well they we're. Howling  then we saw the litter of Spike and Doc they we're all girls incept Max then we went over To the howling puppies when we came over they started to fight . in their part of the kennel.
Ken then pulled them apart of each other  then we went out side because Ken is about to show us.
Some bigger dogs the first one was a dog named Harris he's two years old the next one we saw was a girl her name was I forgot. We went to Ikea after  we had lunch there we looked at the menu it wasn't.
 A lot of food so we saw a hot dog place there I had a normal cola it wasn't good but it filed me up.
For the rest of the day if you  get bored of just righting I'll have picture of Max up billow.
This is my first blog ever so please comment in the description below thank you for listing. I'm eight years old and my names jack thank you again if you comment and like bye!!!!!!!!!

                                               peace out !!!!!!!!!!!                            

                                                               remember the picture of  Max below